Code Read 3 - The Humble Dijkstra
The third Code Read that Scott Rosenberg chose was another Edsgar Dijkstra essay - this one called "The Humble Programmer". Vastly oversimplifying, Dijkstra is making this very important point: despite all of our achievements, we are limited creatures, and our intellect can easily be overwhelmed by our own creations. Particularly as access to computing power increases, and our expectations of its ability increases, our current approach to software will lead us into an inescapable swamp of unmaintainable and horrendously expensive computer systems.
More than thirty years have passed since he said this, yet we are still wandering around the edge of that swamp. Dijkstra does give us a way out - his argument: an appropriate understanding of the system we are building will make it easy to build and maintain. Furthermore, we have the tools to achieve this understanding.
The most important point, he says, is to "...confine ourselves to the design and implementation of intellectually manageable programs".
After reading the comments at Code Read 3, I think this point created some misunderstanding, which can easily lead people to miss the value of this essay. One might take this to mean that we should avoid hard problems, but we must believe that Dijkstra was not so simple as to suggest this. The point is that when building programs, we must choose an intellectually manageable approach, and reject the apparently easier approach of just starting to write code and seeing what happens. In order words, Dijkstra is telling us to make our software well organized, or not at all.
Big deal, one might say. But in my experience this is the single most common root of failure and near failure. It sounds simple - if you don't understand it, don't build it. Yet all too often, we start to build things with a superficial understanding of the problem, instead of taking the time to think through our solution a bit more.
Furthermore, Dijkstra provides some practical steps we can use (which correspond to one or more of his six arguments) in order to make sure what we're doing is intellectually manageable.
The first (arguments one, two, and three) is perhaps the most confusing and most powerful. Dijkstra urges us, when thinking of a high level design of a program, to start by thinking of how we would prove the program correct, and base our design on the structure of the proof. The confusion here is that Dijkstra was not referring to a "proof" in the way academic computer scientists understand "proof of correctness", nor to the way a high-school student understands a geometry proof, nor to something like test driven design (although all can be valuable, in the right context). Rather he was referring to "proof" the way a mathematician understands proof - the first step of which is a description of the problem in a way that clarifies the most relevant points. The most beautiful proofs in modern mathematics are treasured by mathematicians not because of their clever application of obscure logic, but because they provide a method of looking at a problem that makes the solution obvious.
This is what Dijkstra is promoting - finding an organizational structure for your software that makes it obvious what the code needs to do.
The discipline lies in not embarking on large projects until we have found this way of looking at things. It is admittedly very difficult, but also very important. In fact, I would argue that without this view of the problem, a project is doomed to failure or near failure. Discovering that we don't really understand the problem in the middle of a project can get very expensive very quickly, whereas spending the time in the beginning is much more cost effective. Its like sailing across the ocean - better to make your plans in port, than discover you forgot something halfway between San Francisco and Honolulu.
The second practical step Dijkstra proposes is one that we can use to help achieve this simplifying view (argument four). It is to use abstraction:
We all know that the only mental tool by means of which a very finite piece of reasoning can cover a myriad cases is called "abstraction"; as a result the effective exploitation of his powers of abstraction must be regarded as one of the most vital activities of a competent programmer. In this connection it might be worth-while to point out that the purpose of abstracting is not to be vague, but to create a new semantic level in which one can be absolutely precise. - EWD
When I first started programming, I worked on a project that had its own implementation of a hash table. We had to worry about hit rates, hash collisions, and so on, and could only work on strings! Now, whether you're writing in Java and using a HashMap, or in Perl and using associative arrays (aka hashes), or any other language, a perfectly reliable hash table is available for free, works simply and reliably, and for most data types. Likewise we think nothing of writing code which adds an integer value to a floating point value - yet this too was once a headache.
And the key point of an abstraction here is to find ways that we can use A and B in the same way, thus freeing us from the intellectual work of keeping them distinct - like adding a float to an int. In a shopping cart we might define a group of things that are "line items", all of which can have a price, a discount, a tax charge, and so on. Whether the thing is shipping or a widget, if we can treat it as a "line item", we will have made calculating and re-calculating the total much easier.
Argument five is our third practical step - using a good programming language. This is a very loaded subject, and many reasonable people feel it has been crushed beneath the weight of the ranting terabytes already written about it. But Dijkstra, as usual, has something quite profound to say about this:
Finally, in one respect one hopes that tomorrow's programming languages will differ greatly from what we are used to now: to a much greater extent than hitherto they should invite us to reflect in the structure of what we write down all abstractions needed to cope conceptually with the complexity of what we are designing. - EWD
This is, when it comes down to it, the strongest argument in favor or against a language - does it clearly reflect the structure of the idea behind the program, or does it obscure the structure. Almost all modern languages (C and its descendants, Java, Perl, Python, Ruby, and so on) can be used to clearly reflect the structure of the problem, and all are much superior to now out-dated languages such a BASIC, or Cobol, etc. However, unskillful use of these same languages can also create great obscurity. Dijkstra describes at length how our choice of language affects our thinking, which is quite true - but I believe the languages we use today much more similar to each other than the choices he faced 30 years ago, and we are now struggling less with languages and more with design paradigms (and that's definitely another post).
Finally, the fourth step - make your structure hierarchical (his sixth argument).
I do not know of any other technology covering a ratio of 1010 or more: the computer, by virtue of its fantastic speed, seems to be the first to provide us with an environment where highly hierarchical artefacts are both possible and necessary. - EWD
This basically means to layer abstraction on abstraction. Actually, this is often described as a problem, and it can be a serious problem. Its like the architecture of a building - if the layers are complimentary and harmonious, the building is successful. If the layers are put together willy-nilly, the result is a rickety structure prone to collapse. This is really where craft, or skill, comes in, which is the theme of this blog. But for now we're just exploring the foundations. And Dijkstra's instruction is clear: carefully use layers to make our creation intellectually manageable.
This post has been longer than hope will be usual - and it has taken longer too. But this essay of Dijkstra's made quite an impression on me, and it has quite a lot of meat on it.
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